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[ Thursday, February 25, 2010 ]

My Reflections: What do I think can be done to minimize damage from such events?

I think that the buildings which have toppled should have been constructed with more stability, so they would not have toppled so easily. I think the government should have put in more effort to organise the country after the earthquake. For example, the government should have given out sufficient food and supplies to the people living there. Then the people would not have stolen from stores to meet their needs.

posted by hahaz :) @ 9:34 PM [ link ]


The Armenia, Colombia Earthquake

To allow the rescue workers to work untarnished, the government did not let anyone to go out from dawn until dusk. Residents were disturbed by the slow movement of the relief effort. Thus, they broke into food stores and stole supplies. This caused a lot of looting going on in Armenia. Then Colombian president, Andres Pastrana, postponed a trip to Germany to attend a World Bank meeting to view the destruction himself. After which, he had to send soldiers to the afflicted area to restore order.

Wikipedia,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Armenia,_Colombia_earthquake, extracted 25-02-2010

posted by hahaz :) @ 9:01 PM [ link ]

[ Wednesday, February 24, 2010 ]

The Armenia, Colombia Earthquake

This earthquake had a magnitude of 6.2. There was quite a lot of damage caused.The earthquake caused tower blocks, hotels and historic churches in Armenia to topple. However, most of these collapsed buildings were old and poorly constructed or were built on poor soil such as old landfill sites or steep slopes. Most of the buildings which remained intact were the newer structures. The worst hit part of the country were regional capitals of Armenia and Pereira. In Armenia, single-story homes were demolished. Besides all that, many hospital structures have also been damaged. The Colombian coffee industry, which is the main economic activity of the region was heavily affected. Many coffee farms had been completely or partially destroyed. The banks and financial entities cannot dispense money for several weeks. Lastly, there were about 1000 casulties that were produced by the earthquake.

posted by hahaz :) @ 12:07 PM [ link ]

[ Monday, February 22, 2010 ]

The Armenia, Colombia Earthquake

The Armenia, Colombia earthquake happened on 25 January 1999 in Armenia, Colombia. This area has a high seismic risk because of the triple junction that is at the corner of the South American Plate where the Nazca, Cocos and Pacific plates converge . The Nazca and Caribbean plates, which are along the western border of Colombia, collide against and plunge beneath the South American Plate, generating most of the Colombia’s seismic activity. Colombia, located on the northwestern corner of the South American Plate, experiences earthquakes because of the subduction zone and the shallow crustal fault.

Risk Mangement Solutions,Inc.,https://www.rms.com/Publications/Colombia_Earthquake.pdf, extracted 22-02-2010

Wikipedia,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Armenia,_Colombia_earthquake, extracted 22-02-2010

posted by hahaz :) @ 9:21 PM [ link ]

[ Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ]


posted by hahaz :) @ 8:54 PM [ link ]


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This blog is actually for a geography assignment. And I'm doing South America, Colombia (Earthquake)

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